Penalties and charges for Drug Crimes in Florida

In the State of Florida, prosecutors are very strict towards drug crimes and might indict a person possessing a small number of drugs or other narcotic products. Charges might range from simple prosecution to several years behind the bars if the crime is proved.

According to the State of Florida drug crime includes possession of restricted narcotic substances to selling controlled substances. Under Section 893.13 of the Florida Statutes, a person is forbidden from selling, manufacturing, or delivering drugs. Also, drug crimes include possession of unauthorized prescription medicines or inhaling substances that can have a drug-like effect on the individual.

Penalties for possessing or distributing drugs

According to an experienced legal advisor, the quantity of the drug in possession of the individual is the deciding factor for the drug charges and penalties for the said individual.

The list of penalties:

  • For possessing more than 10 grams of drugs like heroin or LSD ( Schedule 1 drug), a person might be awarded up to 30 years in prison, or/and more than $ 10,000 as fine. This type of crime is classified as a First Degree Felony.
  • In cases where the accused possesses other variants of controlled dangerous substances (CDS) or illegal drugs, the punishment might be set for five years in prison. Apart from that, the accused might have to pay $ 5,000 as fine. This crime is categorized as a Third Degree Felony.
  • Possessing more than 20 grams of marijuana without prescription is a First Degree Misdemeanor, and its penalty could be one year prison time along with $ 1,000 as fine. For more than 20 grams of marijuana possession, the accused might be charged with five years in prison and/or $ 5,000 as fine.

What to do if charged with these offenses?

As discussed above, a person being accused of Florida drug crime could end up with a minimum one year in prison. Additionally, they might end up with thousands of dollars as fine.

Have you been accused of these criminal charges? Then, you might need the help of Bernstein, DeCailly & Marshall, PLLC. They can help you in getting out of the situation, with minimum damage. For more information, visit or call 1-833-3BDMLAW.

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